Theme Name: Juniper - Lightyear
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=            HEADER STYLES            =
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/*----------  hamburger animated  ----------*/
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/*=====  End of HEADER STYLES  ======*/
=            HERO STYLES            =
section#tw-hero {
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section#tw-hero .carousel-indicators {
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section#tw-hero .carousel-item {
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section#tw-hero .carousel-indicators [data-bs-target].active {
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section#tw-hero #tw-hero-line-carousel::after {
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section#tw-hero #tw-hero-line-carousel .slider-image-hero {
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/*----------  Search Button  ----------*/
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/*=====  End of HERO STYLES  ======*/

=            HERO LINE MENU            =
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div#heroLineMenuWrapper ul li a div {
div#heroLineMenuWrapper ul li a i {
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/*----------  sticky styles  ----------*/
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div#heroLineMenuWrapper.tw-visible {
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/* All pages hero meni sidebar fixed*/
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div#heroLineMenuWrapper.tw-visible {
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/*----------  sidebar menu  ----------*/
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.menu-quick-menu-container a p {
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@media (min-width: 992px) {
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/*=====  End of HERO LINE MENU  ======*/

=            EVENTS SECTION STYLES            =
section#tw-events h3.tw-events-title {
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section#tw-events #tw-events-section-events-wrapper article > div:first-child {
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section#tw-events .owl-nav {
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@media (min-width: 1200px) {
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/*----------  Events shortcode plugin customization  ----------*/
section#tw-events .tw-calendar-shortcode .tw-calendar-table-header {
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section#tw-events .tw-calendar-shortcode .tw-calendar-event-article-title,
section#tw-events .tw-calendar-shortcode .tw-calendar-month-active {
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section#tw-events #tw-events-section-events-wrapper + div,
section#tw-events .tw-calendar-shortcode > div:nth-child(3),
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section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner {
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section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner a,
section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner label {
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section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner form .tw-custom-selection input {
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section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner form .tw-custom-selection label {
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section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner form #sub_name,
section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner form #sub_email,
section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner form #sub_phone {
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section#tw-subscribe #tw-subscribe-inner form #homepage-extra-subscribe {
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/*=====  End of EVENTS SECTION STYLES  ======*/

=            NEWS&NOTICES STYLES            =
section#tw-news-notices {
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section#tw-news-notices::before {
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section#tw-news-notices #tw-news-notices-title-wrapper a {
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section#tw-news-notices #homepage-ticker {
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section#tw-news-notices .owl-carousel .owl-dots.disabled {
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section#tw-news-notices .owl-carousel .owl-dots button.owl-dot.active {
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.owl-stage {
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.news-single .news-featured-img-wrapper {
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/*----------  container  ----------*/
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@media (min-width: 992px) {
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@media (min-width: 1200px) {
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/*=====  End of NEWS&NOTICES STYLES  ======*/

=            MEETING REPOSITORY            =
section#tw-meet-repo {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-date {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-title::after {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-title {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-files {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-files a {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-files i {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-files div:first-child i {
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section#tw-meet-repo .tw-meet-repo-files div:last-child i {
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section#tw-meet-repo::before {
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section#tw-meet-repo .owl-carousel .owl-dots {
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/*=====  End of MEETING REPOSITORY  ======*/

=            FAQ            =
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/*=====  End of FAQ  ======*/

=            HOMEPAGE CONTENT            =
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=            HOME PAGE DEPARTMENTS            =
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=            HOMEPAGE DEPARTMENTS GRID            =
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=            SINGLE DEPARTMENT            =
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=            FOOTER STYLES            =
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=            ARCHIVE            =
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=            FAQ            =

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